Studio Sessions w/ Pete Walsh
Recently caught up with old friend, Pete Walsh.
Nestled in the corner of his loft, Pete leaned over his Mac and clicked play on his latest song. Having heard the demo during lockdown, it was nice to hear it in its latest iteration. Pete’s almost vulnerable vocals piercing through the accompanying sound of guitar and strings, with occasional piano keys hammering through.
He’s back.
Since Forbidden Road, Pete’s moved through multiple stages of his life. His music has remained present but not necessarily dominant. As a result, his latest offering “Lies” offers a something new. A commentary of his experiences and discoveries over the last decade.
To accompany his latest musical endeavours, Pete wanted to update his imagery.
We decided to take influence from both the albums and artists we love. Focusing on portraiture and moments “behind the scenes”. It felt like a good fit. Pete’s approach and sound is reminiscent of the sixties and seventies, so faded grainy imagery felt right.
The goal here was to create images that wouldn’t look out of place on Vinyl covers.
I’m stoked to hear Pete writing again. I’m super stoked at the prospect of having a new collection to listen to in the near future.
Very grateful to be a part of his process in a small way.
Whilst you, peruse the examples below, why not give “Forbidden Road” a listen?!