Like I said above, trying to pay my bills and stay true to this can often become really bloody hard work. There’s a good chance you may be one of the many business owners I’ve exhausted with the constant seeking for advice or opinions on how to present this to the world.
Luckily I’ve decided.
I refuse to separate the two and will absol-fuckin-lutely not bend on this. Ever.
Curiosity is what fuels me. It’s responsible for me failing in school, for never finding a “real” career or for ever settling for second best. If there is something in front of me that seems highly illogical, I will always explore the way to make it logical. Even if it takes longer than deemed necessary, I will obsess over it just to say I did it.
The same applies to my approach to photography.
The other morning I was sat in traffic when somebody tried to join the queue I was sat in. We know the scenario, theres a huge line of traffic and one car hammers up the right hand side, in the lane that is due to close in a few hundred yards. Everyone sat in the left lane starts getting closer to those in front of them and will no doubt start hurling abuse when said car tries to join from the outside.
Why the fuck do we do this?! Is it a British thing or just a case of human nature?!
It seems that as soon as anybody tries to do something different from the norm, they are cast out. Everybody is waiting for them to fail or they themselves are waiting to relish in the moment where they get to harp in with their own opinions. Always trying to shame that one individual for breaking the norm. Where realistically, using the traffic example, if we were all brave enough to break the norm, i.e take the risk of using the closing lane, the queue we were all sat in would be drastically shorter. Thus improving the life of those sat way back at the cross roads unable to cross the yellow box of uncertainty.
Now, that may seem a little wild as an example, but there is a reason for it. In terms of business and the modern world we live in, the internet is our best friend. All of those who have given me advice recently have pointed out by not separating my two types of work (wedding & commercial) is an absolute nightmare in terms of SEO and marketing. I can’t help but agree with them to some extent, however, favouring curiosity, it is now my fucking mission to make it happen. To be top of every list and easily discoverable.
It’s illogical yes, but impossible? No.
The way I see it, it’s no different to watching a television programme about a travelling chef. One week they are catering a wedding, the next they are sat on a river bank enjoying the spoils of fresh produce. The two are so wildly different, but they make sense because of the host and the nature of the show. More importantly, you are engrossed by the story they are telling.
It shouldn’t matter what you want to do. If you have an idea, go with it. Feed that hunger in your belly and cast aside the nay sayers. It is the fear that lives within humans that cripples us in our endeavours. Yes we all need to pay our bills and don’t wish to lose everything we have ever worked on. But if we just sit on it and think “that’d be nice” then accept yourself as one of those assholes hurling abuse at that one car travelling up the lane deemed “socially risky”.
We are all on our own journey. Do we want to be stuck moving in multiple lanes of traffic on a grey, smoggy, monotonous motorway? Or would we rather be covering the extra miles on a winding mountain road, in the fresh air with the thrill of not knowing what lie around the next bend?
With that said, it feels like I am starting my journey all over again. I’ve gone full circle and returned to true north. I went out into one area believing it to be wild and free, but remained on the remnants of a path due to fear of getting truly lost.
Skirting along the edge of the wilderness has its appeal. It feels as if you are truly out there, though really, in reality, if you get scared, civilisation is only a phone call away. I no longer wish for such comfort. It’s time to be bold and try something different. To really satisfy my gut. To feed that curiosity.
Change is good. I can’t wait to start making changes and share them with you. It’s exciting, more so awaiting the reactions from such attempts. This isn’t just about a photography business any more. This about who I am as a person and what I can bring to our world. What I can do to change the way we look at photography and life itself. “Bit drastic!” you may say, but why not? Already I am questioning when I will fail, maybe you are as well. But failure breeds change and more so success. Luckily I have been gifted a lot of distractions and failures over the past three years and they have led me to this moment.
For now I’m off into the wilderness. I’ll tell you all about it when I get back.
A x