Hey bud, nice to see you again!
Well today I bring you something close to my heart.
About 8ft, give or take, from where I sit and type this, my wife is beavering away making her miniatures.
It’s been a roller coaster the past couple of years. Raising a tiny child, going freelance, working, not working, working from home, staying home, not allowed to stay home - but work from home…If you cant home at work… Remember that shit show?
Though with that said, there’s been some big convos that have followed the craziness of it all. The biggest yet, Abi leaving her job to focus on her health and her art. It’s always been our dream to both be following our creative endeavours. Now is the time we make it a reality and jump.
It feels daunting for us both, but life’s short right?! If this lingering pandemic has proven anything, it’s that the world can be turned upside down in a matter of seconds. So it’s best to listen to your gut and take heed.
I’m super excited to see where this path takes her, I’m sure she’ll fuckin boss it in her usual fashion.
On a selfish note, I’m extra stoked to have an artist near by to photograph on the reg.
If you wanna see/learn more about her work be sure to check her out with the links below;
Insta: @tobaccoandregrets Web: tobaccoandregrets.co.uk