How you doing bud?
We’re back at Ed’s veg patch for this post.
This time with Olin Beau in tow
I’ve harped on in previous blogs and instagram posts about how special this place is and how much I admire Ed’s dedication to growing veg with nature in mind.
With this visit, Ed wanted to document the planting of new seeds and invited Olin to join us.
Olin loves a work day, he see’s it as one big adventure. Put a camera in his hand and he’s happy as Larry. Annoyingly, he gets better angles because he’s short.
Pairing a work day with these two was a match made in heaven. Since the Covid video call era, Olin’s loved “Uncle Ed” or “Cled” as he pronounces it.
So naturally, when we arrived, Olin sacked off his camera and insisted on hurling his blue glider round whilst Ed would hoot and holler with every flight.
Ed has this incredible ability to hold your attention whilst communicating.
Whether it’s engaging online, pen on paper or conversation, there is a steadfast confidence to his voice. One that inspires a (IMO) better world.
With that, once Ed started showing Olin around the veg patch, it was evident he had him excited about everything that was ready to harvest.
In my five years of being his dad, I have tried endlessly to get Olin messy. Muddy hands, grassy knees, sandy toes - not interested.
Five minutes with Ed, he’s pulling up leeks, legging it through woodland and weaving branches.
Anyway, I’ve done enough talking for now. I’ll let the images do the rest.
A x