I’ve been quiet about this one for a while.
Truth be told… Can’t really believe it’s happened.
I had a phone call a couple of months back with a mate of mine who I first met through the tangled web of the wedding world many a moon ago. Years ago, we discussed shooting commercial work together whilst smoking outside of the wedding we were attending. He was curious as to whether or not I’d be interested. I was still thick in the wedding game at this point, so I no doubt gave him my standard “yeah man, for sure, let me know” answer.
Anyway, three years later. He rings.
His client is Visit Wales. They want cycling “lifestyle” stills to accompany a campaign.
Sorry mate… You what?! Me?
So with that said, I bombarded his inbox with RÁS imagery, crossed my fingers and thought of all the reasons why I wouldn’t be the “right” photographer for the job.
“Client loves em. You’re in. You’re gonna be shooting for Visit Wales”
Holy. Fuck.
Anyway, feels like I’m milking the disbelief, but it hit me like a tonne of bricks.
Cut to a week later, I’m standing on the side of a road I used to cycle some ten years ago getting ready for the sun to rise and listening to a director brief the crew on the days events.
Now there’s talks of us all heading up to The Great Orme for round two in the next few weeks but we’re waiting for a good stretch of weather.
I’m shooting for Visit Wales. This feels like a huge step forward in the right direction.